SEND at St. Margaret’s Academy

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SEND at St. Margaret’s Academy

Students with educational needs are catered for in a mainstream setting and fully participate in the National Curriculum, throughout their secondary education. Students are placed on the SEN Register under the category of SEN Support if they have provision that is additional to or different from the usual curriculum, in accordance with The Code of Practice (DfE and DoH, 2015). When placed on the register, students will be placed into one of the four categories of need:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

Support is offered in the classroom through a differentiated curriculum, small teaching groups or in-class support. Using the graduated approach, students’ progress is monitored by subject teachers. Where little or no progress is made, despite reasonable adjustments, the SENDCo will then become involved with regards to assessing for any underlying additional needs and, if necessary, referral to outside agencies.

Accessibility within the Academy is via lifts, ramps and handrails which allow our students with profound mobility difficulties to access the building.

Those students who have an Education Health Care Plan from the Local Authority will receive reviews of the outcomes detailed within their plan. We encourage the student and the family to be present at the review meeting in order to ensure that aspirations and expectations are high and to guarantee that the review is person-centred in its approach.

Students are treated equally and fairly as we offer a curriculum that stretches and develops all students to the best of their ability. The school ensures that staff are aware of the needs of all students who may be placed upon the SEN Register and we endeavour to cater for every student. A condensed copy of the school’s Special Educational Needs Policy, which adheres to the Code of Practice (2015) and conforms to the relevant sections of the Children and Families Act (2014), is available on request from the Principal’s Personal Assistant.

Parents who have low income may apply, each school year, for welfare benefits to the: Education, Library and Sports Service, Millennium house, 60 Victoria Street, Liverpool L1 6JH

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015 was held from October 5 – 11 across England. This year’s theme was ‘Making Sense of Dyslexia’ and looked at how much of an impact the right support can have on the future for people with Dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a ‘specific learning difficulty’ that primarily affects the ability to read and spell. Some 10% of the UK population are affected.

The website links below are useful sources of information and can assist you in supporting your child’s learning at home. There is also a section on our school website that guides parents with reading at home with their child.
PowerPoint Presentation

B.D.A.’s Top Five Tips for Encouraging Reading

  • Listen to audiobooks and follow with the book at the same time. Record your own voice or your child’s voice to make it more exciting and personal.
  • Don’t be afraid to abandon a book half way through if it is not of interest. If it’s not working just chose another one rather than doggedly reading on for the sake of it.
  • Read everything – cereal packets/signs/instructions/comics – it’s still reading even if it’s not a book!
  • Read parts together e.g. you read one character your child another – find ways to make it fun!
  • Let your child see you reading for pleasure and take your child to the library regularly to choose books together.


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