Online Learning

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Online Learning

As a number of pupils are now isolating at home:

We are advising that pupils download the Teams application to a device at home but if they do not want to do this they can access a cloud-based version by logging into Microsoft office 365 using this link or typing it into the browser. (Chrome tends to work best) 

They will then be asked to log in, and username and password are the same as their school email address and password.

Once logged into Teams they will see classes. Classes for this academic year are labelled with 2020 (some older classes may appear as a result of our trials last year, they can hide these classes from view if you choose to). 

If a pupil is unable to attend school in person but is well enough to work they will need to access the Teams area where the classwork and catch-up work will be uploaded each day. Pupils should check both assignments and notebooks for each class they have that day.

Please note that as teachers will be feeding back and communicating with students in teams they will no longer have the capacity available to individually email work to students or collate work submitted by email or through ‘Show my homework’.

If you have any further issues contact IT support (

The following videos may be of use if you are struggling to set the application up.

Installing teams on your device

Students guide to using teams, your virtual classroom

How to use the catch-up notebook

Completing assignments in Teams

Over the next few weeks staff will gradually stop using SMHW (Satchel)  as they migrate to using Teams assignments. The work being set will not involve things that need to be brought into class as there are restrictions on collection of items due to COVID and virus transfer, which is why exercise books are no longer collected in for review. If your son is being set work that needs handing in in person please do let us know what has been requested as this should not be happening. If revision has been set for homework then pupils may not need to ‘turn in’ the homework but will be assessed the following lesson. I anticipate that going forward revision will involve a revision activity which will have a ‘turn in’ element".