Discipline and Rewards

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Discipline and Rewards

Discipline and Rewards

Good discipline is dependent on a number of factors and is influenced by all those whom the student meets each day. All students are encouraged to exercise self-discipline within the framework of what is known and accepted as responsible behaviour in a Christian environment - respect for one's neighbour, unselfishness and a sound community spirit. Our SMART (St Margaret's Acting Responsibly Together) system of rules, rewards and consequences promotes these qualities. Every pupil in years 7 to 11 carries a conduct card. This is part of our overall behaviour policy and ensures that students are fully aware of the high standards that are expected. It serves as a reminder for maintaining neat appearance and good behaviour at all times whilst on the school site.

Whether you are a pupil, parent, member of staff, former pupil or simply a passing surfer, thank you for visiting our website: you are very welcome here.


Encouragement is given by recognising and commending the good qualities and talents which students possess and we aim to offer this in a variety of ways.

Staff members regularly offer praise and encouragement, both verbally and through awarding PARS points on the school system. The points collected contribute to our awards assemblies where students are awarded high-value prizes. On a weekly basis, the students achieving the highest points for that week are awarded ‘Golden Tickets’ which can be redeemed in the school canteen. Postcards are frequently sent home to acknowledge students’ successes; each term a number of students receive commendation letters from the principal. Termly rewards are given for excellent attendance. Citizenship rewards are available to students who show responsible behaviour outside of the classroom. Our Annual prize giving ceremony at the Anglican Cathedral provides another opportunity for recognising achievement of all students as we celebrate both GCSE and A-Level results by awarding certificates, and offer several individual awards for various contributions of merit to the life of the academy. Alongside this special ceremony, we also run a prize giving week where there is a special prize giving assembly for each year group; this allows us to recognise the work of a number of students: most specifically we celebrate attainment along with achievement in each subject.

Each half term, we grade students according to the effort they invest across all subjects as we recognise the importance of input in achieving success. Those who invest high levels of effort and those who improve their levels of effort are rewarded through having their names listed on the ‘Effort Wall of Fame’ and letters are sent home.

St Margaret’s enjoys much sporting success as many of our students excel in various sports. Annually, we hold a Sport’s Awards Evening where celebrating sporting excellence in several disciplines is the focus of the evening. We are equally proud of our many creative musicians and artists: our annual art exhibition is both a highlight and a delight; our musicians are showcased at our carol service, prize giving and at our ‘Music for a Summer’s Evening’ celebration. At Key stage 4, a formal Record of Achievement system is in a continuous process of development. Students are encouraged to recognise and record their own achievements and set targets to enhance their own development and progress. The Friends of St Margaret’s magazine and our website always run articles to celebrate the various accolades and successes of our students.


If the code of behaviour is broken, then a fair and consistent system of punishment prevails. Where serious breaches of the accepted code of behaviour occur, parents are informed and invited to the school for discussion. Subsequent action may involve a representative of an outside agency. The most serious sanction is permanent exclusion from school. Students may be detained after school. Twenty-four hours- notice of a detention will be given to parents, however, the school reserves the right to detain students for 30 minutes without notice when situations arise which require immediate action. A Supervision Card, to monitor work and behaviour can also be used by the Heads of Year. Parents are expected to check and sign this each evening.


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