Reading and Literacy

Because we are "inspired by the knowledge and love of God", Religious Studies is a central part of our curriculum.

Reading and Literacy

Reading and Literacy

Go to Reading for Pleasure

All students are expected to carry a reading book of their own choice at all times. Independent reading is encouraged at all times, particularly during Form Time when collective worship is not planned. English lessons incorporate reading at a suitable level and strive to give all students the opportunities to develop understanding of a variety of styles of texts, as well as the reading skills needed to function within adulthood. For those learners who do struggle, we offer a range of interventions suitable to the individual. Small groups take place which are ESA monitored. We also have sixth form students who volunteer to read 1 to 1 with a student who is struggling.

These readers are closely monitored by the school SENCO. We also have an online reading scheme for those students who are able to read but who lack the inference and comprehension skills needed to achieve a secure reading level. SENISS become involved with those learners who are struggling to build words and read fluently.

The Academy currently employs 2 full time teaching staff, including the SENCO, who are qualified in Specific Learning Difficulties and can assess and plan programmes of multisensory styled phonic based lessons.

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015 was held from October 5 – 11 across England. This year’s theme was ‘Making Sense of Dyslexia’ and looked at how much of an impact the right support can have on the future for people with Dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a ‘specific learning difficulty’ that primarily affects the ability to read and spell. Some 10% of the UK population are affected.

The website links below are useful sources of information and can assist you in supporting your child’s learning at home. There is also a section on our school website that guides parents with reading at home with their child.

Reading Booklet One


B.D.A.'s Top Five Tips for Encouraging Reading

  • Listen to audiobooks and follow with the book at the same time. Record your own voice or your child's voice to make it more exciting and personal.
  • Don't be afraid to abandon a book half way through if it is not of interest. If it's not working just chose another one rather than doggedly reading on for the sake of it.
  • Read everything – cereal packets/signs/instructions/comics – it's still reading even if it's not a book!
  • Read parts together e.g. you read one character your child another – find ways to make it fun!
  • Let your child see you reading for pleasure and take your child to the library regularly to choose books together.


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