A-Level Religious Studies

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A-Level Religious Studies

Paris Trip - Miss Kinloch led the annual A level RS trip before half term. The students have a choice of where they would like to go. Last year they went to Auschwitz (connected to the module Evil and Suffering). This year students opted to go to Paris to further develop their understanding of the afterlife through Art (self, death and the afterlife module), visiting the Louvre and Musee D'Orsay. Students were overwhelmed to see Rodin's 'Gates of Hell'. Students also visited Notre Dame and the Sacra Coeur analysing the symbolism of Holy Communion, the buildings' art collections and grand symbolic architecture (connected to module on religious identity). Paris was even more picturesque in the snow. Our students will be teaching what they learnt to a few KS3 classes and a lower school assembly as part of their volunteering/citizenship programme. Psychologically this is an excellent activity to develop confident public speakers in the Sixth Form and also raising aspirations in KS3.

Guest Speakers

  • Neil Brunskill - Neil is an old boy of the school and has recently graduated with a degree in Theology, his aspiration is to train and become an ordained Church of England priest. Neil gave a talk to some of our Sixth Formers about the church's views on women priests, celibacy and homosexuality (Year 13 module) and the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist (Year 12 module).
  • Professor Jonathan Jarvis is a lecturer and researcher at JMU. He spoke to Year 12 about the ethics of experimenting on animals for medical advancement (connected to application of Philosophical thought module).

Our students found the experience of going to Paris really rewarding as they could actually see painting and architecture that we have been studying. They also enjoyed both guest speakers and asked relevant and thought provoking questions.